Welcome to A for Analytics University
A for Analytics is the leading Business Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence service provider for Fortune 500 companies on planet earth. We are working towards to become No.1 Service provider in India in 2025.
A for Analytics is presenting A for Analytics University to help people to get the right skill at the right time to get new job in 2020 and 2021.
Why A for Analytics University?
There are several Institution available in the market to do any course at any time for Freshers and Experienced people.
A for Analytics University don’t believe in traditional training centre system that provides Training for you for 30 days and then provide you course completion certificate. So you do have basic skills on the technology but you would not have Real time project experience.
So you will be rejected, when you go to the Interview.
We strongly believe in Training + Put you on Real time project phase so you can have experience working in a Project.
You can put that project in your resume and explain that project you have done to the Interviewer.
Why you did not get the Job ?
Typically after your college completion, you go to random popular Institute to get some certification and Imagining you will get a Job with the course completion certificate.
Matter in fact, Course completion certificate is useless piece of paper.
On first time, let’s talk about why people are not getting Job
What are the reasons you are not get the Job?
- You don’t have awareness about the IT company
- You don’t have skill to get new Job.
I don't have Programming skill, What to do?
Some people after failing so much of interviews and completed several courses, they will come up with the reason about
I don’t have programming skills, I don’t know about programming
If you still don’t have programming skill, that’s fine. You can still able to get a technical role in reputed IT company.
BUT HOW?????
IT company is not about Just programming you can get into different departments like Graphics Designing and lot more.
But if you want earn more, high CTC from 3L Per Annum to 6L Per Annum as Freshers then you need to have Data Analytics skill.
What is Data Analytics?
Data Analytics is about Analysing the raw data , find trends & patterns to provide more informative information to the clients or business people.
This is How it will look like

There is lot of things involved in Data Analytics.
If you could able to create this Dashboard without writing even single line of code and Earn more than 3L Per Annum as Freshers, will you do this course with A for Analytics University.
A for Analytics University Course Module
As we already mentioned we have believe in just Training. We provide below Module in a Data Analytics course
- Training Module
- Project Module
- Freelance Opportunity Module
Training Module
Training Module is about provide you world class Data Analytics Training from Basic Level, Intermediate level and Advanced Level in Data Analytics for 60 Days.
Project Module
You will be working in a Real time project that A for Analytics already worked. You will work in the project like a employee working in a MNC.
You will have a Manager
You will have a Team lead
You will have a Team members
more than anything…
You will be constantly engaged with CEO of A for Analytics and gain more knowledge.
You will get a Rating for your performance that will be mentioned in the course completion and Recommendation letter from A for Analytics University.
Freelance Opportunity Module
If you have got a good rating on the project, you will get a Freelance Opportunity with A for Analytics where we will pay you for each Task.
All information will be provided to you on the time of Consultation with our experts.
If you are Interviewer, who you will select?
Let’s pretend you are the Interviewer, where you have Just 2 Resume to Interview
Candidate 1: This candidate have done some course in random online course and don’t have project experience.
Candidate 2: This candidate have done Data Analytics Course in
A for Analytics University for 2 Months
1 Month of Real time project Experience
Course Completion Certificate
Recommendation Letter from A for Analytics
If you are the Interviewer, Will you select Candidate 1 or Candidate 2?
Of course, If you want to hire some talented person to your team then you will hire Candidate 2
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Click this link and fill the form
If you want to talk with one of th expert, you can WhatsApp at +1 760 284 3322
If you want to talk with one of the expert through Email, Please drop a email to info@aforanalytic.com or sales@aforanalytic.com
All opportunity knocks your door only once!
This is the opportunity, you need to grab the opportunity before it’s get late.